• Video Analytics for Smart Transportation
  • Intelligent Video Surveillance
  • Intelligent Video Surveillance
  • Video Analytics for Smart Retail
  • Video Analytics for Ambient Intelligent
  • Video Analytics for Smart Retail
  • Video Analytics for Smart Parking
  • Intelligent Video Surveillance
  • Video Analytics for Smart City
  • Video Analytics for Smart Industry

A.I. Tech is a highly dynamic and innovative company that designs and manufactures Artificial Intelligence enterprise solutions in the field of Smart Video Analysis.

A.I.Tech operates in different scenarios: Smart Cities with solutions for Characterisation and Monitoring of Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic; Smart Video Surveillance with a solution for selective anti-intrusion and early fire detection; Retail with a solution for Counting and Recognition of people and behavioural analysis; Smart Business with a solution for statistical and predictive analysis on data acquired from the previous scenarios.

Video Analysis

A.I. Tech designs and implements intelligent Video Analysis solutions in a wide range of scenarios using the latest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning software technologies that can be used on all hardware platforms (edge-side or server-side) or as a Cloud service.

Embedded systems

A.I. Tech develops embedded solutions to run its products on dedicated, low-cost, computationally efficient platforms. The product line also includes embedded solutions equipped with GPUs which are able to run the high-performing products based on deep neural networks that would otherwise require costly investments from the customer.

Custom solutions

A.I. Tech’s customers benefit from the ability to ask for ad-hoc solutions to their problems when the market is unable to offer already developed solutions. We take care of studying the problem, defining different possible solutions in terms of cost and performance, and then implement a business plan for its development.


A.I. Tech offers consultancy services to meet the specific needs of the customer in the implementation of large Video Analysis systems, both in terms of hardware and software. The company assists the customer from the design phase, with the definition of all possible alternatives with their advantages and disadvantages, up to commissioning and maintenance.


Smart City

A.I. Tech has a wide range of products that allow the most ambitious smart city projects to be realised through an advanced platform for monitoring vehicles, pedestrians and the environment.

We offer solutions for Smart Transportation, aimed at monitoring vehicle flows and detecting abnormal driving behaviour, and for Smart Parking, for the intelligent management of car parks and their video surveillance. Other perks of our products include monitoring and measuring pedestrian flows, crowds control, and monitor situations related to the spread of the Coronavirus infection such as social distancing and detection of people that are not wearing masks. We also provide solutions for environmental safety through early detection of fires or abandoned garbage on the roadside.

As well as checking out our AI Smart Transportation platform and our AI Parking solution, we invite you to read about all the products in the AI Smart Surveillance line, which provides many other functionalities typically used in a smart city context.

If you need to upgrade an existing infrastructure, we suggest considering our embedded AI-Appliance solution. Indeed it allows you to avoid the installation of a centralised server and can also be used in situations of poor connectivity.

Don’t forget that all A.I. Tech products are integrated with the main VMS platforms on the current market and support a dozen standard protocols. If you do not yet have a platform for city monitoring and data integration, we suggest you check out our AI Dash Pro dashboard.


Smart Transportation

A.I. Tech is actively present in the market of software systems and services aimed at the creation and management of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the field of “road transport”.

This is done through the use of its proprietary platforms for traffic and mobility management.
A.I. Tech offers a wide range of highly innovative solutions, both in terms of functionality and architecture. A.I. Tech’s systems support over 20 event notification mechanisms to third-party servers both for proprietary protocols used by VMS platforms and standard protocols such as HTTP or MODBUS. Where a complete system is required, our dashboard is extremely useful to collect the data used in smart transport system planning and evolution.

Check out our AI Smart Transportation platform that includes countless specifically designed products, our AI Dash Pro dashboard, as well as our AI VaS cloud-based service provider if you want to use our software solutions without having to buy hardware.


Smart Parking

To further enhance its Intelligent Transport Systems solutions, A.I. Tech has designed a platform for the smart management of guarded and unguarded car parks.

The solution provides a built-in management of free and occupied parking spots in a car park, and at the same time allows to identify the model and number plate of parked vehicles. It also allows to monitor the parking area by identifying abnormal behaviour of people within the area.

Take a look at our AI Parking solution for monitoring individual parking spaces in a car park, and our AI-LPR and AI-ROAD3D solutions for the surveillance of parking entrances; and don’t forget our AI Dash Pro dashboard, as well as our low-cost embedded AI Appliance solutions if you don’t want to use expensive and complex dedicated servers.


Intelligent Video Surveillance

A.I. Tech offers a robust and modern platform for Smart Surveillance and Territory Monitoring, which can be used in a wide variety of contexts, both indoor and outdoor.

Its special and unique feature is that it has what is today the widest range of products specifically designed to meet security needs, using the latest Artificial Intelligence and deep learning technologies. This enables systems to detect intrusions even in non security restricted areas, being able to effectively determine whether the intrusion was caused by a person, a vehicle, an animal or an object. The suite of products allows the detection of unusual behaviour, such as wandering, objects that have been abandoned, removed, or even people that have fallen. It is also possible to use it to monitor the territory through early detection of fires.

There is also a range of brand new products designed for the Covid emergency that can detect gatherings, social distancing, and face mask use.

Don’t forget that there are over twenty protocols supported for notifying events to third-party systems. These include open protocols, such as FTP and MODBUS, and proprietary protocols that enable seamless communication with about a dozen third-party VMSs.

You can get a more complete picture by looking at the AI Smart Surveillance platform that includes several specifically designed products and our low-cost embedded AI Appliance solutions if you want to avoid using expensive and complex dedicated servers.


Secure Banking

The problem of bank security extends from the various offices, for which intelligent video surveillance solutions provide a complete answer, to the countless ATMs distributed throughout the territory.

Unattended ATMs often represent a popular target of attack by criminals. A.I. Tech proposes a dedicated solution, specifically designed to meet the needs of their protection from break-ins and attacks. In particular, the proposed solution is based on the detection of abnormal movements in the vicinity of the controlled ATM: it checks for possible overcrowding or the presence of a single person stationed in front of the machine for an atypical amount of time while making suspicious movements.

In addition to the AI Smart Surveillance platform for security surveillance of branch offices, we suggest you further consider the potential of our AI ATM and AI-PANIC products. We also suggest you might like to look at using our low-cost embedded AI Appliance solutions if you want to avoid buying additional hardware.


Ambient Intelligent

A.I. Tech’s involvement in this field is due to the wide variety of products developed in the most diverse application areas, which are also primarily used as Ambient Intelligence solutions.

In addition to analyse the behaviour of people in an environment, detect abnormal behaviour and identify and classify dangerous actions, such as falling or wandering, a key role is played by functionalities to detect disastrous events, such as fires or smoke clusters.

A.I.Tech’s products of interest for the Ambient Intelligence market can be found in numerous solutions among those present in the AI Smart Surveillance and AI Smart Retail platforms and, if we intend as environment the wider city environment, certainly in the AI Smart Transportation platform you can enrich the solutions of your potential interest.

We also invite you to consider using our AI Dash Pro dashboard as a data collector on which to activate data analysis functions as well as the AI VaS cloud-based service provider if you want to use our software solutions without having to buy hardware.


Smart Retail

The ability to understand the type and buying habits of customers who visit your shop or shop centre has become fundamental.

Knowing your customers allows you to effectively plan all the actions you can take to maximise both the customer experience and the growth of your business. A.I. Tech has a very wide range of products to achieve these objectives. You can analyse customer attraction areas with heat maps, count customers crossing physical or virtual gates in your retail space, recognise their gender, ethnicity, age and emotions by analysing their faces, and detect many other traits. You can also perform intelligent checkout management through queue analysis systems to minimise waiting times.

All the information you collect is your most important resource, and a data analytics system that relates it to the time of year, day of the week, weather conditions or number of receipts is what you need to organise your business in the future. Take a look at our AI Smart Retail platform that includes several specifically designed products. Don’t forget our AI Dash Pro dashboard, as well as our AI VaS cloud-based service provider if you want to use our software solutions without having to buy any hardware.


Business Intelligence

Extracting data reliably is extremely important, as is knowing how to use it effectively. Business Intelligence is therefore an ever greater need in a global economy.

Business Intelligence implies, on one end, the collection and storage of all the data involved in one’s own reality, even those initially considered non-strategic, and then their subsequent analysis with advanced “Data analysis” tools that make it possible to create a complete and effective “Decision Support System“.

A.I. Tech offers all this with an advanced platform which is widely adaptable to the needs of your business. Your business needs can be represented in the way you are used to experience them, verticalizing the “Data View” to your habits and helping you in the management process. At this point you just have to look at our AI Dash Pro solution.


Ad hoc solutions

A.I. Tech will assist you not only in the design of a complex solution based on catalogue products, but also if your business requires the development of ad hoc solutions not currently available on the market.

A.I. Tech’s R&D team will handle what for you is an important new challenge and will analyse performance you will be able to achieve, outlining the implementation constraints and proposing different ways of realizing your project.

You are not alone, you have an expert team at your side, ready to take on the biggest challenges and to prove to you that our slogan is a commitment to the ability to turn the future into the present: “The vision of the future. Now.”




Artificial Intelligence

The use of modern Artificial Intelligence technologies, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, is certainly the future of Artificial Vision applications and products. Indeed, these technologies achieve high performance and high capacity to adapt to very different working conditions.

A.I. Tech has embarked right away on the development of products based on “deep learning”. Today almost all its solutions are based on these approaches; these products are among the very few in the world that can be run directly on the cameras, and are therefore compatible with the few resources available.

It should be noted that developing products based on deep learning does not mean taking one of the famous deep networks, such as Yolo, now also available on the web, and using it on a server, as many do; the resources consumed by these networks are in fact so many that they are unusable on the cameras and in any case only on high-cost servers, even for simple functions.

A.I. Tech designs and builds its own deep networks, thanks to its highly advanced knowledge in this field. A.I. Tech experts have published scientific papers on the subject. Those networks achieve performances very close to those of the best deep networks but reduce the computational resources required by hundreds of times. Try out our products and compare them with the competitors, not least in terms of the cost of the hardware required to operate them.



Our applications are developed using the most advanced technologies based on the principle of virtual coding, which aims to make the application independent of the machine.

Perhaps not everyone is familiar with this concept, but the impact in terms of the quality of the software obtained is enormous. Consider a given product in the catalogue, there should be more than twenty different versions: one for execution on a server, several others for our embedded platforms, and a different one for each of the different cameras on which it can be installed. Virtual code technology makes it possible to have a single implementation that fits all versions, by adopting a virtual machine, appropriately designed.

Eliminating a defect in one version means correcting all versions. When a tested product is released on a new platform, it has the advantage of having been tested for years.

Another very important aspect is efficiency: a product is only made once but is straight forwardly cross-platform. A.I. Tech concentrates all the resources needed to optimise the code enormously, our products are faster than ever and more accurate than ever.


Intelligent IOT

A camera featuring one of our products (plug-in) becomes an intelligent sensor capable of detecting a certain type of event occurring in the monitored scene.

It generates an event that, together with a series of data characterising it, is sent to an external entity responsible for storing and/or managing it. The term Intelligent IoT denotes that the typical IoT architecture described makes use of AI techniques, in particular those used for the understanding of the scene.

This technology provides added value when the IoT object created, i.e. the camera with its plug-in, can be integrated into any other system, of which it becomes the sensory part.

High integrability is therefore the most important requirement and A.I.Tech has invested a great deal of effort to achieve virtually unlimited integrability thanks to the many different protocols developed and available in its architecture.


Indeed, more than twenty notification mechanisms are available (proprietary, from third-party systems, but also based on standard protocols). These mechanisms are implemented within the applications, thus allowing immediate integration with a wide variety of systems.


Embedded system

Embedded technology has been realised by A.I.Tech in two low cost hardware products in the AI-Appliance product line. It consists in a dedicated, efficient and compact system that hosts featured software applications.

This solution offers two major advantages in different contexts: if you have an analogue or digital camera that cannot host on-board software, you can send its video stream into the Appliance which will host the desired plugin; if you have a multi-camera system and need to have a lot of software-intensive features on board, you can decide to buy less computationally powerful cameras and send their streams to a single Appliance, thus saving money!

A.I Tech works has the perfect, integrated solution for you!


Data Analysis

In A.I.Tech’s suite of plug-ins, data from cameras analysing the scene are integrated with other data from heterogeneous sources that add value and provide insights to your business.

Such data can be obtained rom many systems that generate and provide data in a wide variety of domains, for instance: from the check-out counters at your shop, from external sensors used in environmental monitoring.
The attractiveness of your point of sale, the convenience of reaching your shop and many other aspects influence the way your business is perceived. What if you offered your customers free parking, or a drink at the nearest bar, or even personalised advertising of your products to your customers?

What you need is a system that manage all the data and is able to measure the impact impact of all these choices. A.I.Tech provides you with a dashboard that collects all the data and an easy-to-use artificial intelligence system that can answer all the above questions.

In difficult choices you are not alone, you have A.I. Tech by your side.


Video Analysis on the cloud

Moving video analysis to the cloud allows you to equip your existing system with “intelligence”, without having to install a (sometimes expensive) server on your site; all A.I. Tech products are “Cloud Ready”.

This means that some processing requiring large computing resources can be performed by a machine placed on the cloud and you will only pay for the service, saving on hardware equipment and related maintenance costs. The advantages are countless: enormous flexibility in discontinuing a service if it is no longer useful for your purposes, upgrading it prior to first trying it out. Applications are on our cloud and if they are improved you will always use the latest version from day to day, thus not needing to download software or do long and annoying updates.

VideoAnalysis as a Service – VaS is the latest technological frontier you do not want to miss. All you have to do is choose our VaS Ready products that incorporate the software needed to pre-process and send the images to our cloud; results are sent to your camera or directly to your dashboard.

A.I. Tech is on the cloud with the best services for you!
