A.I. Tech will be at the 1st Local Police Forum in the Bergamo

The A.I.Tech team will be at the 1st Local Police Forum hosted by Bergamo Fair, from 29 to 30 November 2022, together with its partner Trans Audio Video.  

The Local Police Forum is an event addressed to the Local Police as well as to the subjects working in the supply of goods and services needed by the Local Police for the performance of activities.  

It is an appointment for operators of the field with free admission upon online acceptance, in place or by invitation.  

More information is available at the following link: https://security.transaudiovideo.com/trans-audio-video-al-1-forum-della-polizia-locale-a-bergamo/  

Find the agenda of the event at the following link: https://www.forumpolizialocale.it/programma/

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