X Series Hanwha Techwin. Now compatible!

New releases for the A.I. Tech team.

The 10 plugins edge side by  A.I. Tech are now available with the new camera models by Hanwha Techwin, the Wisenet X.

Are you curious to discover our plugins?

  • AI-People: performs the counting of persons crossing a virtual line in a given direction
  • AI-Crowd: allows to estimate the number of persons inside one or more areas of interest
  • AI-Overcrowd: identifies situations of over-crowding, i.e. in which the number of people in the area is higher than a user-specified threshold.
  • AI-Occupancy:  identifies the occupancy percentage of one or more areas inside the scene
  • AI-Heat: classifies the areas taken by a camera depending on the time spent by a person inside, thus allowing to distinguish between the most visited areas (hot spots) and the less crowded ones (dead areas)
  • AI-Lost: allows to detect abandoned and/or removed objects
  • AI-Intrusion: allows to reveal intrusions in sterile zones and crossing of virtual lines
  • AI-Loitering: allows to detect suspicious behaviours of persons staying in a given area for a long time
  • AI-FaceDetection: detects the faces of the persons inside the scene
  • AI-ATM: detects anomaly situations near an ATM, due to overcrowded situations or to the presence of the persons near the ATM for a long time


Only with A.I. Tech… THINGS NEVER SEEN!

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New releases for the AI. Tech team: the Dashboard is now integrated on board of the camera.

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